Saturday, September 29, 2007


Humpback Whale diving, with water driping off of it's tail flukes

Humpback Whale surfacing, and vapour can be seen coming out off it's blow hole.

The scarred back of a Humpback Whale. If it could only talk....

Whale watchers on another tour operator, taken from our boat.

All images taken with a Canon EOS3, 300F4 Image Stabilized Lens, with a 1.4 Teleconverter. Fuji Provia 100f Film, and pushed 1 stop.

Last weekend a group of friends packed up and went to Brier Island at the end of the Digby Neck of Nova Scotia to spend the weekend birding and whale watching.
Brier Island is an amazing place, and is a migrant trap for birds, with some very noteworthy sightings over the years. It is also a photographers and painters paradise, with lots of photo opportunities often enhanced by the mood the fog brings.

I highly recommend it as a destination.

The whole time was "Pea Soup" fog, up until the time were getting ready to go on the whale cruise. The fog dissipated, and the sun came out. what luck! Lots of pelagic birds, and several whales including a mother and a calf were seen. An amazing time was had, out on the water on such a nice day.

Be sure to check back, as I have lots of other images from the trip, which I wil post shortly,


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