Friday, October 12, 2012

Don't Blink...

Or it's gone.....fall that is.

Just seemed like it was 30 Degrees Celsius, and I was swimming in the lake, and now the leaves are mostly turned and falling. Went for a walk in the woods near home today looking for photo opportunities and found a few. It is harder work these days, as things are more subtle now, not the Postcard/Grandscape- can't miss shots of spring/summer. But, it is an opportunity to "see" and look beyond the obvious and experiment.

All images made with a Canon 5D, 70-200mm F4L lens, B&W Warm Polarizer,  Manfrotto Tripod, cable release.
*I really miss Fuji Velvia film for shooting landscapes, but not the processing time/cost and scanning!

         Trailside plants, not sure the species against a background of trees providing contrast. 

        Same scene as above, only taken with a slow shutter speed when the wind kicked up. Which one do you like best?

        Fall foliage along the edge of nearby Hamilton Lake. 

        Closeup of tree trunk showing pattern of bark. 

         View through the trees of the Beaverbank River. 
         Taken with Canon 5D, 17-40mm f4L lens, B&W Warm Polarizer, Manfrotto Tripod, cable release. 

                 Tree snag with holes made by Pileated Woodpeckers. 
                 Cool the way scenes like this tell a story. 

   Ferns turning color, the woods will be full of neutral shades like this until next spring. 

             Bare trees against some trees that for the moment have their leaves providing a neat contrast and sign  of things to come. 

          Straight up fall landscape scene, using repeating horizontal lines on the bottom of the frame, and shape of the hillside to add visual interest. 

Happy shooting!

Friday, October 05, 2012

The Death of Keji. as we know it.

Hi All,

One Nova Scotia's National Parks-Kejimkujik, a paddling gem is now being closed for the winter season due to budget cuts from Parks Canada, which in turn had their budget slashed by Stephen Harper's Conservative government. Ironically, one of Harper's senior ministers is Peter MacKay  from Nova Scotia representing Central Nova. He is touting spending $25 Billion dollars on the F35 fighter jet, but is oddly mum on the Keji./National Parks issue-a drop in the bucket compared to this dubious jet purchase.

Our National Parks system is one of the things that we as Canadians can be proud of, and can hand future generations a legacy of our past before industrialization (progress) destroyed most of it. Now that legacy is threatened, and Keji. traditionally known as a "paddlers park" (when open) seems to cater exclusively to the RV/trailer crowd and it's accompanying generators, barking dogs etc...

A petition is currently online, and I encourage all lovers of the natural world to sign it, then we can tackle the issue of commercialization of nature.

This is just one of a myriad of ways the natural world is under siege, and we as global  citizens are duty bound to act.

End of rant.

Keji. is still a beautiful place, and I have many fond memories and images of it. Some were captured on film/memory card, but many more are in my mind's eye.

I am posting some images of Keji. to celebrate it's magic and may do so in the future.

Feel free to comment, write me, or share stories/images and take action.

Gary Murray

Friday, September 21, 2012

Rumors of my demise...

Have been greatly exaggerated......

Been so busy the last year or so buying my first home (a lakefront setup) and the ensuing chores like settling in, stacking firewood, stacking firewood, stack... you get the idea.

Well, now that I am settled in and the firewood, did I mention firewood? is all put away I can get back to more important thongs like shooting and working on my cloud survey. See image above. :)
( I broke the rules and centered the horizon- a no no in photography). Plus, I was too lazy to get up and get a different perspective- and it is my blog so I can do whatever I want. Long as it's legal!

Will try and keep it updated wit lots more eye candy,
