Sunday, October 12, 2008

Autumn Splendor

Hi All,

Kejimkujik National Park in Southwestern Nova Scotia put on quite a show last weekend in respect to fall colours. The Red Maples were at their peak and photo op's were everywhere, even reflected in the water, one of my favorite ways to shoot them.

It was a great time camping out in the backcountry, and after a long day's shooting to sit by a campfire and see a blanket of stars overhead that looked like they were close enough to touch. Add in the wind blowing through the crowns of the trees, (which Native legend says is the whispers of the spirits of their departed), and Nirvana was reached.

All images made with a Canon EOS 5D, and 17-40 mm, 70-200mm, and 300mm Canon L series lenses. Polarizer, and Warming filters by B&W.

Red Maples reflected in Mill Falls.

Fall colour on the Mersey River.

Maple leaves on the forest floor.

White Tail Deer.

Stormy clouds over Kejimkujik Lake.
