Saturday, September 15, 2007

Trip to Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia.

Hi all,

posted above are a few images taken whilst on a quick shooting trip to "Keji" on the Labour day weekend.

The first one was from my campsite, what a scene to wake up to! a family of loons were calling all night, in addition to a pair of Barred Owls that were hooting "who cooks for you" for a long period very close to my tent.

The second image is of a spider web taken early one morning, while the light was good and the dew drops were still shining like diamonds.

the third shot is a vertical composition form the same campsite.

the fourth and fifth images are of a fawn captured while feeding in the park. they were taken at a fifth of a second, and was surprised they were as sharp as they are. when in doubt-shoot.

hope you enjoy, and get out to our wonderful natural areas.


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