Monday, July 14, 2008

Tour De Wentworth

Hey There!

The latest post, hot off the press is from this past weekend's Tour De Wentworth. It is an event hosted by Bicycles Plus - my club :-).

It is a 2 stage race held in the picturesque Wentworth Valley of Nova Scotia. . The first stage was a Time Trial, where the riders go all out for a short distace, and a road race of longer distances (distances vary from event to event). The overall winner is the person with the best combined times. Classes are normally broken down by age, and gender.

Sunday, the day of the event was smoking hot, with a strong headwind for the riders on the way back. As I was melting on the sidelines, it made me appreciate what the racers must have been going through in the saddle.

As a sidebar- I tried to show a human element to the race. Competiton aside, we are all people out to have fun and test ourselves, and improve as athletes while balancing the realities of life.

I have also included a flower image (albeit an impressionistic one), because no cycling race is complete without them. And a mtn biking picture, as Ski Wentworth was open and shuttling riders for downhilling which looked like a blast. I just found my next assignment!


Time Trial.

The Race

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