Sunday, July 06, 2008

Time Trial

Hi All,

The latest adventure on my "vision" quest was photographing the Time Trial hosted by the largest cycling Club in Atlantic Canada, Bicycles Plus in Bedford Nova Scotia. It also just happens to be the club I am in, as a newly minted roadie.
It was a club event, that offered plenty of photo opportunities, and was a ton of fun to watch. The day went off without a hitch, and everyone gave their all, thanks to the organizers and volunteers. They gave up their time to make sure everyone had a safe and awesome experience.

The sport of cycling lends itself to photography with lots of action, sweet bikes, brightly coloured jerseys, And I hear the odd crash.


All Images shown, taken with a Canon 5D, 300mm F4 Image Stabilized Lens, 1.4 Teleconverter, and a B&W Polarizer Filter.


Unknown said...

Nice shots Gary!

Gary Murray Photography said...

Thanks Geoff, it was a cool experience.