Monday, December 11, 2006

Seal Island Nova Scotia

Welcome to Seal Island Nova Scotia.

It is the southernmost part of Nova Scotia, Canada.

In October I had the good fortune of going to "Seal" with a group of birding friends.
We spent 5 days on the Island with sunny skies and warm temperatures the entire time, which is uncommon, considering it is in the Atlantic Ocean 20 miles offshore.

From sunrises, to sunsets, moonrises, and great company, Seal was an amazing trip.

There are fisher folk living seasonally on the island, as well as many, many, free range sheep.
Having sheep on Islands was a common practice years ago, so the survivors of the many shipwrecks around Nova Scotia would have a readily available food source.
Going there is almost like stepping back in time, and seeing a piece of our Maritime history.

Seal is a great migrant trap during migration, and we had about 103 species, including a few good ones like Peregrine Falcon, Gyrfalcon, Eastern Bluebirds, Indigo Bunting, and Long Eared Owl, to name a few.

All in all, a great trip, enjoy the collage of images!

Gary Murray.

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