Thursday, February 20, 2025

Winter Wonderland

Hi all.

After a recent storm, I went snowshoeing to my happy place here in Nova Scotia.. It was absolutely beautiful, images cannot do nature justice. Breaking trail over hill and dale is hard work, but definitely worth it. Being the first person to make tracks and travelling through an area is also a special experience. Who needs a gym? 

Checking for tracks, and imagining the stories they wrote in the snow is sometimes better than seeing the critters. It's also a good way to inventory what species are in a given area, where they travel, bed down and eat. So much happens in nature that we never see. Squirrel tracks, and mounds of cones stripped apart to get the seeds, Otter slides, Rabbit tracks, and the inevitable Coyote and Bobcat tracks hunting them. 

All in all a great day in the woods, time for another one!



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