Friday, January 23, 2009

Greater White Fronted Goose

Hi All,

It's been a while since my last post, I have been busy working on my website

Soooo, today's post is of a native of Greenland...A Greater White Fronted Goose. It appeared in the Halifax, Nova Scotia a few weeks back. Local bird authorities feel that it joined a flock of Canada Geese that were in Greenland, and flew with them to Halifax.

It is the 18th recorded sighting of the bird in the province, but my first, so I just had to make a few trips there to see and photograph it. I was not disappointed, as it is quite cooperative, and usually hangs out in the same area munching on grass. Many photographs ensued. Man, I love digital....most of the time. (except for landscapes that beg for Fuji Velvia).

The Goose is a tough species so hopefully it will survive our Maritime winter and fly back to Greenland in the spring.

A few Mallards, and Black Quacks (Ducks) were hanging out, so I also added a portrait of a Male Mallard to show that even though some birds may be "trashy" they are still great looking, and good photo subjects.


All photos made with Canon 5D, 300mm F4IS lens/1.4 T.C. Manfrotto tripod, Exposure Unrecorded.

Greater White Fronted Goose

Male Mallard Portrait.

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