Sunday, December 02, 2007


Hi All,

Since winter arrived to the Maritime Provinces this weekend, I thought I would share a collection of images from winter past. The temperature plummeted to -7 Celcius and it became quite windy and raw whilst out on a birding field trip yesterday. 2 Bright Red Cardinals backdropped against the newly fallen snow was a treat.

Below is an image of Oak leaves frozen under the ice. Pictou County NS.

Minolta Maxxum 9, 50mm Macro lens. Fuji Velvia Film.

The beavers are pretty much tucked away in their lodges in this kind of weather, with a winter's supply of food stashed away. This image was taken in Willard Fraser's pond, Pictou County NS.

Canon EOS3, 70-200mm F4l lens, Fuji Velvia film, and B&W Circular Polarizer filter.

Deer Tracks in the snow, taken in Brookville NS.

Canon EOS3, 70-200mm F4l lens, Fuji Velvia film, B&W Circular Polarizer Filter.

Frost on Trees, Bridgeville, Pictou County NS.

Canon EOS3, 70-200mm F4L lens, Fuji Velvia film, B&W Polarizer Circular Polarizer Filter.

Snow on trees, Mac Lellans Brook Pictou County NS.

Canon EOS3, 70-200mm F4l Lens, with 1.4TC, Fuji Velvia film.

Time to get out and enjoy the snow, it sure beats complaining about it!



mapBaker said...

winter in nova scotia! i miss it so...

Gary Murray Photography said...

you might not miss it today, with a major snowstorm approaching!
