Thursday, February 20, 2025

Winter Wonderland

Hi all.

After a recent storm, I went snowshoeing to my happy place here in Nova Scotia.. It was absolutely beautiful, images cannot do nature justice. Breaking trail over hill and dale is hard work, but definitely worth it. Being the first person to make tracks and travelling through an area is also a special experience. Who needs a gym? 

Checking for tracks, and imagining the stories they wrote in the snow is sometimes better than seeing the critters. It's also a good way to inventory what species are in a given area, where they travel, bed down and eat. So much happens in nature that we never see. Squirrel tracks, and mounds of cones stripped apart to get the seeds, Otter slides, Rabbit tracks, and the inevitable Coyote and Bobcat tracks hunting them. 

All in all a great day in the woods, time for another one!



Tuesday, February 18, 2025

I'm Back


Hi all, after a hiatus and failed attempt at adulting am back at photographing and posting.  

Society is getting faster, attention spans are getting shorter, so I am going to do what I always do. Which is - do the opposite. Am going to focus a bit more on storytelling, about my experiences in the outdoors and with wildlife. Every day is different, especially when one slows down, and moves quietly through the forest. Sitting quietly by a lake, pond etc. is a great way to see wildlife. Water is life.   

Getting to know one area intimately is also great. I know most of the species, and where/when to find them in my secret spots, winter or summer. Seeing the cycles of the seasons, and life is also special. 

That's it for now, just a quick check in. 

And remember - Have Fun!


Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Get Shortie!

Hi all, 

Well, after many years and failed attempts, I finally got some decent images of a Short Eared Owl.  Had a lot of fun recently photographing, watching their hunting and interesting behavior.  
My first attempt years ago consisted of a crudely made blind made of 2x4's and burlap that someone mercifully stole soon after I set it up in an Owls territory.  Thus saving me from the misery of trying to photograph from the contraption that kept falling apart.

Persistence pays off, just ask the Mars Rover!




Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Doe in The Snow.

Looked out my Living room window one day recently and saw 4 deer in the heavy falling snow. Grabbed the camera and 2 lenses and started shooting! A rare opportunity,  as snow has been largely missing this winter. 

Funny how some days one can spend the whole day looking for something to photograph  only to come up empty. Then other days are like this one. Sure keeps things interesting!



Monday, July 08, 2019

Making Lemonade.

Went out this evening to relax by a lake and hopefully photograph some Flickers and Ospreys.  Struck out,  but lucked out and got this 1st Quarter Moon.  I could totally get hooked on Astro.  


Sunday, July 07, 2019

Yellow Shafted Flicker nest

Went out to a local lake in Nova Scotia a few nights ago to cool off from the 30 Degree Celsius heat and kept hearing a Flicker call, but the location seemed strange. Finally found some nearly fledged young in a dead tree cavity calling and begging for food. 
Spent a few fun hours watching and photographing them.
Went back last evening, and at least one of them was calling from nearby trees. One kept sticking it'shead out of the nest hole, but seemed pretty timid. Not ready to leave yet I guess. 
Pretty amazing to witness and imagine the whole breeding season from the parents courting behavior all the way to fledged young. 

Feeling priveledged at being to witness, and document this through wildlife photography.  

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Home Cooking.

Have been really fortunate this last year in that a family of deer pass through the yard on a regular basis. The hard part is seeing them, and  being ready to shoot as they come at odd times, and often early or late when the light is low. Am slowly capturing some images, these whilst drinking coffee on the deck. Tlk about low hanging fruit!
