Monday, April 18, 2016

Long Lake Wilderness area - East Hants NS

Hi all, First paddle of the year and blog post!

Had an amazing day scratching the surface of the Long Lake Wilderness area yesterday.  Just a beautiful spot, and day for it. You know it is going to be a good day when the first thing you see getting out of the car is a pair of Geese. The air was 11-13 degrees C, and not much wind.

There were a few pairs of Loons on the lake with their haunting call periodically, and especially moving when in a cove echoing of the walls/forest, and at sunset. Ditto for the Geese- does anything seem more spring then their honking overhead?

Was photographing the beaver dam, when I heard a slap behind me, didn't realize it was out in the late afternoon. Watch your six!  Also, heard the first Osprey of the year.

Part of it is developed with Cottage Country, but most is undeveloped. Was partly bummed, and but wanting to live there, so hard to knock it when feeling that way.

Can't wait to return!

Google Maps of area

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