Monday, June 28, 2010

Membertou 400 Powwow

Hi All,

This past weekend in Halifax, was the largest Powwow ever in Canada. Membertou was a Chief of the Mi'kmaq in the 1600's, and his family was among the first to be baptized in North America. Membertou 400 celebrates this with representation form bands from across North America. More about the celebration, and history may be found at:

It is a really interesting read, and I encourage all to check it out.

Now to the pictures! There was no shortage of photo opportunities here, and I lucked out and saw a lot of native dancing on the Halifax Commons near the giant teepees. The teepees themselves were quite a spectacle, and it was great to see our aboriginial people's recognized after being marginalized for so long. There were exhibits displaying traditional skills, like medicinal plants, food, music, storytelling, and crafts to name a few.

As a side note, photographing in crowds where everyone is jostling for a better view can be a challenge. As a result, all images were made handheld, and around/through the crowd. Practice is the best advice I can give here.

Teepee's on the Halifax Commons, with buildings in background!
Made with a Canon G11.

Click on thumbnails to enlarge

Images 2-5. Dancing for the appreciative crowd, and enjoying it as you can see. Images made with a Canon 5D, 300mm F4L IS lens, with 1.4 TC., and B&W Circular Polarizer.





Hope you enjoy, I did!


1 comment:


Great work as always Gary.