Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Get Shortie!

Hi all, 

Well, after many years and failed attempts, I finally got some decent images of a Short Eared Owl.  Had a lot of fun recently photographing, watching their hunting and interesting behavior.  
My first attempt years ago consisted of a crudely made blind made of 2x4's and burlap that someone mercifully stole soon after I set it up in an Owls territory.  Thus saving me from the misery of trying to photograph from the contraption that kept falling apart.

Persistence pays off, just ask the Mars Rover!




Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Doe in The Snow.

Looked out my Living room window one day recently and saw 4 deer in the heavy falling snow. Grabbed the camera and 2 lenses and started shooting! A rare opportunity,  as snow has been largely missing this winter. 

Funny how some days one can spend the whole day looking for something to photograph  only to come up empty. Then other days are like this one. Sure keeps things interesting!
