Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Prospect, Nova Scotia

Hi all, Finally getting around to another post on the old blog.
Been doing a lot of shooting, hiking and snowshoeing this winter.
Really into coastal hikes recently, around Prospect in particular. This area owned and protected by The Nature Conservancy of Canada. 
Even though some days have been cold and others cold And damp it was still worthwhile. Our coastline is so beautiful no matter what time of the year it is. 
Below are a few images to get the party started. 
Will likely do another post on here as there are more images to share the beauty of this windswept place. 

Friday, February 10, 2017

Kejimkujik Time Lapse

A short time lapse, my first made while backcountry paddling and camping at Kejimkujik October 2016. What an amazing few days, the weather was awesome, as was the shooting, food and fires.

