After the last leaves have come down in the fall, other photo opportunities await for the intrepid shooter. Slowing down is a good exercise in really observing what is around us. Making great images out of ordinary things is always a great challenge.
Photo 1
A Traditonal landscape image taken in my native Pictou County. The river follows an S curve, a staple in image design.
Photo 2
Is an image of a leaf on a piece of birch bark at Kejimkujik National Park NS. I liked the contrast between the two, and no distracting elements make the subject stand out .
Photo 3
Aspen and Poplar leaves on the forest floor after a windstorm offer an interesting composition.
Photo 4
More fallen leaves, this time of the Maple variety in a pond.
Photo 5.
A mushroom in an old growth forest in Nova Scotia, where there is not a lot in the way of fall colour.
Photo 6
Rosehips offer a lot of colour, and is a different take on fall.
enjoy the fall,