The time of year photographers dream of.
Fall Colours.
If only we could be everywhere at once! We can't however, so we have to pick our spots, work them and hope for the best.
The 2 photo's below, were shot in Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia. "Keji" is my favorite spot in the province after Cape Breton which has to be one of the top spots in the Continent to photograph fall colours.

Aspy Valley, Cape Breton Highlands National Park.
Just because it is foggy and or rainy doesn't mean one has to stop shooting. crop out the bleak sky and look for interesting compositions within the landscape.

Brookvile, Pictou County Nova Scotia
Another example of shooting on a dreary day. Here I concentrated on the colours on the Maples and the way they contrasted with the trunks of the trees.

Sunset at Kejimkujik Nova Scotia.
I found it really interesting how trees can grow out of rocks, and the thin soil available. Very shallow root systems in these cases.

Cheers, and enjoy the fall!
Gary .