Just because the temperature drops, does not mean we have to put the camera away till' the spring.
Winter affords many different opportunities, including winter bird photography.
In many areas, the breeding birds that migrate south are replaced by birds coming from colder northern areas, such as the Purple Sandpiper in photo 1.
Photo's 2 & 3 are of Common Mergansers, male in the 2nd photo, and female in the photo above, which are resident species.
As with all wildlife photography, patience is the key. the sandpiper was photographed in the open, and after a few hours of stalking totally ignored me.
The Mergansers images were the result of many hours over several days shooting from a blind.
Blinds are great, as one can get close images with little or no stress to the subject, as it is not even aware you are there!
hopefully, others will get out and enjoy all that winter has to offer. (it makes it go faster too!)
cheers, and happy shooting.